Seven Stone Memorials in the Land

4:20Gilgala reminder of God's faithfulness in bringing Israel safely across the Jordan into the Promised Land
7:26over Achana reminder of Israel's potential for unfaithfulness and of the dire consequences that result
8:28–29over the king of Aia monument to Israel's second chance and restoration
8:30–32Joshua engraves a copy of the lawa reminder of Israel's duty to live in obedience to the divine “Torah,” or “instruction”
10:27over Amorite kings at Gibeona reminder of God's gracious action in defending Israel's covenant with a Canaanite city
22:34peace in the land of Gileada witness to the unity of the Transjordanian tribes with Israel west of the Jordan
24:26–27covenant renewal at Shechema reminder of Israel's duty to serve the Lord, who fulfilled every promise in bringing them into the land

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