Name | Emphasis | Focus is on the general procedure or reasons for the offerings | Focus is on the proper handling, eating, or disposal of the offerings |
Burnt Offering | underscores prayers of petition or praise | ch. 1 | 6:8–13 |
Grain Offering | pleasing aroma; often mirrors emphasis of the offering it accompanies | ch. 2 | 6:14–23 |
Peace Offering | fellowship with the Lord by having a communion meal | ch. 3 | 7:11–36 |
Sin Offering | atonement of a committed sin; metaphor of purification | 4:1–5:13 | 6:24–30 |
Guilt Offering | atonement of a committed sin; metaphor of compensation for wrongdoing | 5:14–6:7 | 7:1–10 |
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