Transliteration of Hebrew Words in the ESV Study Bible


Symbol Name of Vowel Transliteration
ַ patakh, furtive patakh a
ָ qamets a
ה ָ final qamets he ah
ֶ segol e
ֵ tsere e
י ֵ tsere yod e
ִ hireq i
י ִ hireq yod i
ָ qamets hatuph o
ֹ holem o
וֹ full holem o
ֻ qibbuts u
וּ shureq u
ֳ hateph qamets o
ֲ hateph patakh a
ֱ hateph segol e
ְ vocal shewa e
ּ daghesh or mapiq if a vowel precedes a daghesh, double the consonant

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