Promises to Overcomers

The following images depict ways in which God will be God to those who conquer (cf. Rev. 21:7).

PromiseWhat Will HappenFulfillment
2:7will eat from the tree of life22:2
2:11will not be hurt by the second death20:6; 21:7–8
2:17will be given a white stone21:11, 18–21
2:26–27; 3:21will reign with Christ on his throne20:4
2:28will be given the morning star21:23; 22:5, 16
3:5will be clothed in bright garments19:7–8; 21:2, 9–10
3:5name will be in the book of life21:27
3:12will be made a pillar in God's temple21:22–23
3:12will participate in the new Jerusalem21:10
3:12will have God's name written on them22:4

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