Qualifications for Elders in 1 Timothy and Titus

1 TimothyTitus
3:2above reproach 1:6, 7 above reproach
3:2husband of one wife 1:6 husband of one wife
3:2sober-minded 1:8 disciplined
3:2self-controlled 1:8 self-controlled
3:2hospitable 1:8 hospitable
3:2able to teach 1:9 able to give instruction
3:3not a drunkard 1:7 not . . . a drunkard
3:3not violent but gentle 1:7 not . . . violent
3:3not quarrelsome 1:7 not be arrogant or quick-tempered
3:3not a lover of money 1:7 not . . . greedy for gain
3:4–5manage his own household well, care for God's church 1:7 God's steward
3:4keeping his children submissive 1:6 children are believers (or “faithful”), not insubordinate
3:6not a recent convert  
3:7well thought of by outsiders  
  1:8 a lover of good; upright, holy

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